Design of web systems
The concept of software or web-based system
Web-based systems are not installed on the client computer and the user accesses it using conventional browsers such as (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Explorer) and uses a stable core and changes in performance or updates for all users on the global Internet network. The high and fast speed of the web-based system has nothing to do with the hardware capabilities of the client or the user behind the system because complex calculations are performed remotely on the server and we can execute complex instructions with a simple system or a mobile phone. In our beloved country of Iran, the design and development of web-based systems, including personal websites, corporate websites or portals, are increasing at a very wide rate. Today, the Internet acts as a powerful medium in the path of creating integrated communication among different segments of society. Email, social networks and other communication methods constitute the entirety of the Internet. In the meantime, a website is not only an advertising method, but also a virtual identity of a person, company or organization, and as one of the necessities of modern life and joining global trade.
Types of portals and system design
In this regard, the sustainable website design company Orchid System, with the necessary knowledge in this category and also long-term experience in the field of designing and implementing various portals and web-based systems, will try to play a role as a member of the information technology community in our country in achieving the ultimate goal and improving the quantity and quality of Iranian websites.
First, let's give an example: Consider that you have a personal system on which you run a software, when the software is run, its information is sent to the system processing unit and the results are displayed on your monitor. In web-based software, the relevant processing is not performed on your system, but you send a request to the service provider system (server). The service provider system (server) is located on the Internet and is web-based. Then, the necessary processing is performed on the server and the results are sent to you.
Limitations of a local software
In this case, you can access the most advanced web-based services and software with the simplest and oldest systems because you no longer need a powerful processor and your system's task is only to display information, not process data. On the other hand, when a software is installed on your personal computer, you must only use that computer to access it, but in web-based software, this limitation does not exist, meaning you will no longer be dependent on any specific system or location. That is, wherever the Internet is available to you, you have access to the services of these web-based software. In general, all the advantages of a local software are present in web-based software, but many of the features of web-based software are not available in local software. The various advantages of web-based software lead users to go online, so that in the near future we will no longer need advanced personal systems to process and store information, and the existence of high-speed internet will allow us to benefit from all the advantages of web-based software.
The most important advantages of web-based software
Among the most important advantages of web-based software are the following:
1- Not being limited to a specific location and will be available wherever there is internet
2- Not being limited to a specific system
3- All heavy processing is done on the server and web-based software services can be used with a simple system.
4- Sensitive data can have much higher and more reliable security.
Consulting in IT and software projects
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